
Concatenate joins strings passed as arguments.

Example Usage concatenate('Day',105);

Results: Day105


Concatenate joins strings passed as arguments, separated with what you pass as the first argument.

Example Usage concatenate_with_separator(':', 'Day',105);

Results: Day:105


This gets a property from the database. This is useful when you have, for example, a foreign keyed table and you want to get a the id of a particular row.

For example, we might have a logs table which stores a log about something and on that table there is a type_id column. So you may want to do a query which searches for particular log type. Rather than hard coding an ID get_db_property_id will return you the id you require.

Example Usage In this example we're looking for type 'printed', on the table log_types

get_db_property_id('Printed', 'log_types');

This would be the same as running SELECT id FROM log_types WHERE name = 'Printed'

Returns (id of row)

You can also specify the name of the column you wish to query should it not be 'name'. Name is the default.

For example

get_db_property_id('Printed', 'log_types', 'typeName');

This would be the same as running SELECT id FROM log_types WHERE typeName = 'Printed'


This is an extension of the die and dump function in Laravel. ddd will add the File and Line number of where the die and dump is and also the debugging stack.

Example Usage



This removes all spaces from a given string

Example Usage

remove_spaces('Remove The Spaces');

Results: RemoveTheSpaces