Thank you for considering contributing to Guardian! Contributions are welcome from everyone, whether it's a bug report, feature suggestion, documentation improvement, or a code contribution.
composer before-pr
and ensure all checks passgit clone
git checkout -b my-new-feature
composer install
The project follows the PSR-12 Coding Standard. You can use Laravel Pint to ensure your code adheres to the standards:
composer pint
Guardian uses Pest PHP for testing. To run the test suite:
composer pest
To run tests with coverage:
composer coverage
Please ensure all tests are passing before submitting a pull request.
The project uses PHPStan for static analysis. Run it with:
composer stan
Before submitting a pull request, run the following command to ensure all checks pass:
composer before-pr
This command will:
Documentation is a crucial part of Guardian. Please make sure to update the documentation when changing or adding features. This includes:
folder (if applicable)When reporting bugs, please use the bug report template provided. Include as much detail as possible, including steps to reproduce, expected behavior, and actual behavior.
Enhancement suggestions are welcome. Please use the feature request template when suggesting new features. Explain the feature in detail, its use cases, and how it would benefit Guardian users.
For large feature requests or significant changes to the project structure, please get in contact with the maintainers first. Some features might be outside the scope of the project, and discussing them beforehand can save time and effort.
Thank you for contributing to Guardian!